Patrik Holeček

First soloist of the Czech National Ballet

Patrik Holeček was born in Prague. He graduated from the Prague Dance Conservatory in 2014, following which he was engaged at the Czech National Ballet, where two years later he was promoted to demi-soloist, in 2019 to soloist and in 2021 to first soloist.
A gifted artist possessing high dramatic and technical skills, elegance and charm, he has performed in classical and contemporary ballets alike, mastering a variety of styles and genres with aplomb.
His repertoire includes solo roles at the Czech National Ballet: the Nutcracker in The Nutcracker – A Christmas Carol (Youri Vàmos), Vlk in Snow Queen (Michael Corder), Colas in La Fille mal gardée (Frederick Ashton), Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake (John Cranko), Prince Desiré and Carabosse in The Sleeping Beauty (Márcia Haydée), the Painter in Kafka: The Trial (Mauro Bigonzetti), Prince Leonce in Leonce & Lena (Christian Spuck) and the title hero in Onegin (John Cranko). Patrik appeared in modern and neoclassical choreographies, e. g. Symphony No. 7 in A major (Uwe Scholz); Ohad Naharin – decadance (Ohad Naharin); the mixed bill Timeless, in which he performed as the Father in Le Sacre du printemps (Glen Tetley) and danced in Serenade (George Balanchine); The Second Detail (William Forsythe), EDEN | EDEN (Wayne McGregor); Bella Figura; Symphony of Psalms; Petite Mort; Gods and Dogs (Jiří Kylián).
He performed in the Velvet Ballet Gala (marking the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, Prague 2019) in the choreography Nuda (Fabio Adorisio) and Take me with you (Robert Bondara).

Patrik has participated in tours of Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, China and Israel. In 2019 he performed a duet from the work Rain (Radu Poklitaru) at the Russian Ballet Icons Gala in London.