Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Così fan tutte

  • An Opera Buffa in Two Acts | A Co-production with the HNK ZagrebI
  • Premiere: 23. 5. 2024
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We will conclude the cycle of Mozart's operatic masterpieces with the last of the three great »Da Ponte« operas – during the past ten years, we have already presented on our stage The Marriage of Figaro and Don Giovanni.

Mozart's opera Cozì fan tutte, translated literally as So Do They All, is the last in the series of operas, which the composer created in collaboration with the librettist Lorenzo da Ponte, and belongs among his most controversial works. At the time of its creation, it was considered risky and vulgar, mainly due to its cynical and satirical view of the relationship between men and women. But the story of two men who decided to test the fidelity of their chosen ones was created by the commission of Emperor Joseph II, who was said to have heard of a similar story in Vienna in the circle of aristocratic officers. The libretto was also defended by the romantic Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffman, who labelled it as »an expression of the funniest irony.«

The piece reflects Mozart's late style; the music portrays restraint and balance, while bringing emotional depth to the comedic plot. As characteristic of all his great operas, Mozart also developed a specific style for Così fan tutte, featuring a unique ironic humour. Also notable in the opera is the predominance of ensemble sections over arias, as the comedy takes place rather than between individuals, between three groups: the two girls, their fiancés and the initiators of the comedy, Alfonso and Despina.

The opera premiered on 26th January 1790 in Vienna, but due to the death of the Emperor, it only saw four repeat performances, after which all the theatres were closed as a sign of mourning.
The audience could see it in Ljubljana already in the 1796/1797 season, and the last premiere on our stage took place on 17th April 1991, directed by Vito Taufer.

This time, Così fan tutte will come to life at the SNG Opera in balet in a co-production with the Croatian National Theatre Zagreb, directed by Alessio Pizzech.

Text: Tamara Šmit, Tatjana Ažman